When you read the words "Adopt Africa" and find out that we have an adopted son from Ethiopia SURE I can see where people would think that I literally mean that people should adopt a child from Africa. The meaning, however, is much deeper.
To me "Adopt Africa" means that we should all adopt the continent of Africa and it's people as our own sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, and children. In God's eyes we are all in fact part of one Body and Jesus commands us to care for the "least of these" as well as "widows and orphans". (I'm pretty sure I'm mis-using quotation marks here, so please don't wince as you read this)
So with that said, Adopt Africa Designs isn't just for those adopting a child or children from Africa, it's for anyone who wants to make a difference in the life of another human being. As Adopt Africa Designs grows my goal is to donate 100% of the proceeds to families in the process of adopting and to humanitarian aid organizations like Charity:Water, Heifer International, Operation Smile, and Children's Hopechest.