For your super GIRL:

For your super BOY:

I also wanted to share a few Ezra-isms since this blog is afterall a tribute to him and all that he means to our lives.
So the other day a lady that Ezra has never met asked him what his hame was and he replied:
e: "John Wayne"
me: "You're name's not John Wayne, what's your real name?"
e: "Nacho".
hmmmm... the boy is imaginative that's for sure :)
Then Michael was feeding Ezra supper and he kept asking for yogurt, so Michael said, "Not until you eat your oranges and some more peas." Ezra apparently didn't like this answer b/c he looked at Michael and said, "I make my own choices!"
WOW! seriously... the kid JUST turned 3 for crying out loud. If this is anything like what he'll be as a teenager then we have our work cut out for us.